Notices for elections held in the Village of Fairwater are posted at the Civic Center, the Fairwater Post Office and the National Exchange Bank & Trust.
Elections are held in the lower level of the Civic Center, 104 Main Street, Fairwater. Poll hours are 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
To register to vote in the Village of Fairwater, please download a Voter Registration form EL-131 from the Wisconsin Elections Commissions website
Registered Voters who choose to vote by absentee ballot must first make an application to the Village Clerk requesting an absentee ballot. This form, Absentee Ballot Application form EL-121 can be found on the Wisconsin Elections Commissions website
At you can register to vote, check your voter registration status, find your polling place, see what's on your ballot, request an absentee ballot and check provisional ballot status.

You must show an acceptable photo ID to receive a ballot for all elections. Learn more about photo ID and voting here, and visit the Bring It to the Ballot website.
The Wisconsin Division of Motor Vehicles will help people get a free state ID card or document that can be used for voting after just one visit to the DMV, even if they don't have a birth certificate or other documentation. Get the ID Petition Process brochure in English and Spanish.
Answers to questions about how to register, where to vote, when to vote absentee, and much more.
Learn about what state and local election officials are doing to protect the integrity of voting in Wisconsin.